The Miracle Cows

By Duane McKey

During a recent visit to Tanzania, Africa, I met Abraham, a wealthy Maasai cattle owner who shared his remarkable story with me. About a year earlier he had attended a series of evangelistic meetings and decided to be baptized. He had never learned to read or write, so when he discovered our new Adventist World Radio station in Tanzania, he was overjoyed and regularly listened to the programs on his radio.

As he listened, he learned many new things about being a faithful Adventist—from how to live a more healthful life to the importance of returning an honest tithe. Since Abraham owned more than 1,000 head of cattle and large herds of sheep and goats scattered over Tanzania and Kenya, he decided that he would try to be faithful with all he owned.

He placed his cattle in large pens and counted them as they walked through a chute. He counted cows one through nine as they went through the chute. The tenth cow, however, Abraham dedicated as a tithe for God. As time went on and Abraham continued to reserve every tenth animal for God’s tithe, his friends and acquaintances were amazed. In their culture people’s wealth is measured in cattle. One doesn’t just give away his cows! As Abraham’s friends watched him repeatedly go through the numbering process with more of his cattle, they began to mock him. Many people said he was crazy.

But the laughter abruptly stopped nine months later when 40 of Abraham’s cows gave birth to twins! In addition, many of his goats and sheep birthed triplets! God was blessing him as He had Jacob in the Bible. It was God who blessed Jacob’s livestock so that they multiplied, and it was God who was now blessing this modern-day Abraham.

Another Miracle

Abraham and all the Maasai who mocked him were learning that with God, nine tenths goes much further than keeping the whole amount for oneself. Now Abraham was so happy with how God was blessing him that he decided to give a double tithe! So, when counting, this Maasai herdsman stopped at eight cows, which he kept for himself. Then he gave the ninth and tenth cows to God. And God blessed Abraham even more! You simply can’t outgive God!

But there is more to this story, for God’s blessings also come with ripple effects.

On open ranges, such as those found in Kenya and Tanzania, thieves often steal cattle. But something interesting began to happen in Abraham’s situation. Whenever any of his livestock were stolen, the animals always found their way back home. They inevitably returned to Abraham’s herds as if unseen hands were guiding them. It has now gotten to the point where potential thieves have become very nervous about stealing Abraham’s livestock!

Recently the president of the Southern Tanzania Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, Godwin Lekundayo, told me that many of those who had mocked and laughed at Abraham now “wanted in” on the same blessings he has been receiving. They told the Adventist pastors, “We want to tithe, too, just as Abraham is doing.” 

“But you’re not members of the Adventist Church,” the pastors replied in surprise. 

“We don’t care! We want God’s blessings, so we want to return tithe with our cows, goats, and sheep as well!” 

People are so impressed by Abraham’s testimony and generous spirit that many have expressed a desire to belong to Abraham’s church. This is very significant, as the Maasai are traditionally reluctant to convert to Christianity.

So far, thanks to Abraham’s testimony, more than 80 Maasai have accepted Jesus and been baptized. And they all listen to Adventist World Radio! When Adventist World Radio installed the radio station in Tanzania to reach the many Maasai tribe members in that area, we never dreamed of the impact this presence would have on Abraham. We didn’t even know Abraham. But God knew him, and He knew this sincere man was waiting with a ready heart to listen and receive the full gospel.

There are many people like Abraham waiting and ready to hear God’s voice and respond along with us, “Here I am. Send me!” Just as God was faithful to Abraham of old, and is being faithful to Abraham the Tanzanian Maasai herdsman, He will also be faithful to you and me as we proclaim the gospel message.