The Original Slime (also known as ooblek)

By Beth Thomas

Items Needed:
1 cup water
1½-2 cups cornstarch
a few drops of food coloring of your choice
large bowl
a spoon to stir with


  1. Pour water into the bowl. 

  2. Begin adding cornstarch to the water and stir it with a spoon.

  3. When you’ve added about 1½ cups, the mixture will be more difficult to stir. You’ll have to use your hands to mix it together. You want the mixture to be a consistency where it’s both liquid and solid. You may have to add more cornstarch to get it to the right consistency. If it’s too thick, you can add a bit of water. 

  4. Add a few drops of food coloring to the ooblek slime and mix it in. Is it easy or challenging?

  5. Pick some of the ooblek up and let it slide through your fingers. Now run your finger through the ooblek in the dish. Doesn’t it feel interesting?

Just like ooblek, there are things in life that strengthen us and other things that can make us feel as if we’re melting away. How can we stand firm like a rock, even when life gets gooey like ooblek?

Imagine you’re holding a rock. Rocks are solid and strong. They don’t change shape easily, no matter what happens around them. In Psalm 18:2 we read, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer.” This means that just like a rock, God is strong and unchanging. When we trust Him, He gives us strength to face life’s challenges.

What happens to ooblek when you squeeze it or pick some of it up? It turns into a liquid and flows through your fingers. Sometimes life can make us feel as if we’re melting away when we’re scared, sad, or worried. It’s OK to have those feelings, but we don’t have to let them control us. Instead, we can turn to God for help. The Bible says, “Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). When we give our worries to God, a huge weight is lifted off our shoulders. He takes care of those burdens for us. 

So how can we stand firm like a rock in our faith? One way is by trusting God’s promises. The Bible is full of verses that remind us of God’s love and care for us. When we read the Bible and pray, we’re building our faith and making our foundation strong, like a rock. Another way is by surrounding ourselves with people who encourage us. When we have friends and family who support us, it’s easier to stand together.