by melissa bradshaw
“And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2).
He was just about home after his morning walk when something fell out of the tree above him and hit the ground with a thud! Somewhat startled, my husband looked down at the strangest creature he had ever seen. It was about two inches long and brown, with a thin yellow band around its neck. It had two yellow “eyes” and two orange slimy “antennae,” and it was rocking from side to side! From which planet did this creature fall? he thought to himself.
After taking a picture and video, he quickened his pace and headed home. Showing me the photos, he asked, “What on earth do you think this could be?” I did a quick search on the internet and discovered it was an eastern tiger swallowtail—in its final caterpillar stage. “Quickly,” I said, “please show me where you saw it!” After finding a container, we hurried out the door.
We arrived at the spot my husband saw the caterpillar, and . . . it was gone! “Oh, no!” I said. “Something must have gotten it!” We searched around, then saw the caterpillar about 10 feet away, rapidly crawling toward the grass. I put it in the container, and we headed home. I searched for any information I could find and began creating a safe environment for it.
It seemed the caterpillar transformed into a chrysalis overnight! Now the waiting began. Although it is typical for this stage to take about 10-20 days before transforming into a butterfly, I checked its progress daily. After a while I began to wonder if it was dead! “Should I have done something different while caring for it?” I asked myself. I moved it from the kitchen table to a corner in the dining room and then kind of forgot about it.
A few days later my daughter called out to me, “Mom, have you seen the butterfly?” I came running around the corner, and there it was, fluttering its wings, strengthening them for flight! What a miracle! We took the container outside, lifted the lid, and waited for it to fly away.
People go through a very similar process. The Bible tells us that we are all sinners, and sin is an ugly thing, just like that little caterpillar my husband found (Romans 3:23; 1 Thessalonians 4:7). When we invite Jesus into our heart, an amazing transformation takes place.
If we allow Him, Jesus promises to make us beautiful (Romans 12:2). Jesus will take your ugly words and make them sweet (Matthew 15:18; Proverbs 16:24). Jesus will take your selfish heart and make you kind and considerate (Colossians 3:12, 13). If we allow Jesus to work in our hearts, we will become a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17). We will become more and more like Jesus as we grow closer to Him.
That beautiful butterfly didn’t go from caterpillar to butterfly overnight! It was a process—a little every day. As you spend time with Jesus through reading the Bible and praying, you will be changed into the beauty of His character.
This article is provided by My Place with Jesus, a ministry of It is Written, a Christian media ministry based in Chattanooga, Tennessee that has been proclaiming the message of God’s love since 1956. Check out more fun and games on the My Place with Jesus website!